Company Executives

List of company's executives and members of the Board.

Name Title Age Compensation Sex Social Media
Mr. Jorge Mas Chairman of the Board 60 $4.412M - USD Male
Mr. Jose Mas Chief Executive Officer, Director 51 $9.641M - USD Male
Mr. Paul Dimarco Chief Financial Officer, Executive Vice President 44 - Male
Mr. Robert Apple Chief Operating Officer 73 $4.699M - USD Male
Mr. Alberto De Cardenas Executive Vice President, General Counsel, Secretary 54 $2.252M - USD Male
Mr. T. Michael Love Chief Accounting Officer 57 - Male
Mr. Robert Dwyer Lead Independent Director 79 $307.6K - USD Male
Mr. C. Robert Campbell Independent Director 78 $292.6K - USD Male
Mr. Ernst Csiszar Independent Director 72 $287.6K - USD Male
Ms. Julia Johnson Independent Director 60 $287.6K - USD Female
Mr. Javier Palomarez Independent Director 62 $272.6K - USD Male
Ms. Ava Parker Independent Director 60 $208.8K - USD Female
Mr. J. Marc Lewis Vice President - Investor Relations - Male