Company Executives

List of company's executives and members of the Board.

Name Title Age Compensation Sex Social Media
Mr. Timothy Crown Independent Chairman of the Board 59 $338.8K - USD Male
Ms. Joyce Mullen President, Chief Executive Officer, Director 61 $6.218M - USD Female
Ms. Glynis Bryan Chief Financial Officer 65 $3.689M - USD Female
Mr. Dee Burger President North America 53 $4.510M - USD Male
Mr. Adrian Gregory President – Insight EMEA 49 - Male
Ms. Jennifer Vasin Chief Human Resource Officer 48 - Female
Mr. James Morgado Senior Vice President - Finance 50 $2.669M - USD Male
Mr. Samuel Cowley Senior Vice President, General Counsel, Secretary 62 $2.069M - USD Male
Ms. Reem Gedeon Senior Vice President, General Manager of Insight Canada - Female
Ms. Rachael Crump Principal Accounting Officer, Global Corporate Controller 47 - Female
Ms. Sumana Nallapati Chief Information Officer 48 - Female
Mr. Anthony Ibarguen Presiding Independent Director 64 $238.8K - USD Male
Mr. Richard Allen Independent Director 66 $258.8K - USD Male
Mr. Bruce Armstrong Independent Director 61 $253.8K - USD Male
Mr. Alexander Baum Independent Director 37 $250.7K - USD Male
Ms. Linda Breard Independent Director 53 $268.8K - USD Female
Ms. Catherine Courage Independent Director 48 $238.8K - USD Female
Ms. Kathleen Pushor Independent Director 65 $238.8K - USD Female
Mr. Girish Rishi Independent Director 53 $238.8K - USD Male
Mr. Ryan Miyasato Investor Relations - Male