Company Executives

List of company's executives and members of the Board.

Name Title Age Compensation Sex Social Media
Mr. Brian Bair Chairman of the Board, Chief Executive Officer 46 $7.830M - USD Male
Mr. Benjamin Aronovitch Chief Legal Officer, Secretary 44 $1.381M - USD Male
Mr. Kenneth DeGiorgio Lead Independent Director 52 $240.3K - USD Male
Mr. Roberto Sella Director 57 - Male
Ms. Katie Curnutte Independent Director 43 $210.0K - USD Female
Mr. Alexander Klabin Independent Director 47 $220.0K - USD Male
Mr. Ryan O' Hara Independent Director 54 $225.0K - USD Male
Ms. Sheryl Palmer Independent Director 61 $225.0K - USD Female
Ms. Stefanie Layton Vice President, Investor Relations and ESG - Female