Company Executives

List of company's executives and members of the Board.

Name Title Age Compensation Sex Social Media
Mr. Robert Kurnick President, Director 61 $2.118M - USD Male
Mr. Roger Penske Chairman of the Board, Chief Executive Officer 86 $7.301M - USD Male
Ms. Michelle Hulgrave Chief Financial Officer, Executive Vice President 44 $2.287M - USD Female
Mr. Richard Hook Executive Vice President, Chief Information Officer 48 - Male
Mr. Shane Spradlin Executive Vice President, General Counsel, Corporate Secretary 53 $1.842M - USD Male
Mr. Aaron Michael Executive Vice President, Financial Services and Global Risk Management, Treasurer 47 - Male
Ms. Tracy Cassidy Executive Vice President - Marketing 50 - Female
Mr. Bud Denker Executive Vice President - Human Resources 64 $1.790M - USD Male
Mr. George Brochick Executive Vice President - Strategic Development 74 - Male
Mr. Anthony Pordon Executive Vice President 58 - Male
Mr. Anthony Facione Vice President, Corporate Controller 41 - Male
Mr. H. Brian Thompson Lead Independent Director 83 $411.6K - USD Male
Mr. Michael Eisenson Director 67 $380.0K - USD Male
Mr. Kota Odagiri Director 53 - Male
Mr. Gregory Penske Director 60 $380.0K - USD Male
Ms. Sandra Pierce Director 64 $394.1K - USD Female
Mr. John Barr Independent Director 75 $355.0K - USD Male
Ms. Lisa Davis Independent Director 60 $386.2K - USD Female
Mr. Wolfgang Durheimer Independent Director 64 $330.0K - USD Male
Ms. Kimberly Mcwaters Independent Director 58 $417.4K - USD Female
Mr. Gregory Smith Independent Director 71 $405.0K - USD Male
Mr. Ronald Steinhart Independent Director 82 $382.2K - USD Male