Company Executives

List of company's executives and members of the Board.

Name Title Age Compensation Sex Social Media
Ms. Karen Boone Independent Chairperson of the Board 49 $440.3K - USD Female
Mr. Barry Mccarthy President, Chief Executive Officer, Principal Executive Officer, Director 70 $1.095M - USD Male
Ms. Elizabeth Coddington Chief Financial Officer 47 $1.330M - USD Female
Ms. Leslie Berland Chief Marketing Officer 45 $13.20M - USD Female
Mr. Nick Caldwell Chief Product Officer 41 - Male
Ms. Jen Cotter Chief Content Officer 51 $8.884M - USD Female
Mr. Andy Rendich Chief Supply Chain Officer 56 - Male
Ms. Tammy Albarran Chief Legal Officer, Corporate Secretary - Female
Mr. Christopher Bruzzo Director 53 - Male
Mr. Jonathan Callaghan Independent Director 54 $362.2K - USD Male
Mr. Jay Hoag Independent Director 65 $373.4K - USD Male
Mr. Angel Mendez Independent Director 63 $362.2K - USD Male
Ms. Pamela Thomas-Graham Independent Director 60 $373.4K - USD Female