Company Executives

List of company's executives and members of the Board.

Name Title Age Compensation Sex Social Media
Mr. Michael Toporek Executive Chairman of the Board 58 $313.8K - USD Male
Mr. William Phelan Independent Chairman of the Board 66 $992.5K - USD Male
Mr. John Belizaire Chief Executive Officer, Director 51 $350.0K - USD Male
Mr. David Michaels Interim Chief Financial Officer, Director 67 $541.6K - USD Male
Ms. Mary O'reilly Chief People Officer 46 $298.4K - USD Female
Ms. Jessica Thomas Chief Accounting Officer, Corporate Secretary 49 $261.2K - USD Female
Mr. Matthew Lipman Director 44 $511.3K - USD Male
Mr. John Bottomley Independent Director 55 $511.3K - USD Male
Mr. William Hazelip Independent Director 44 $290.6K - USD Male
Mr. Edward Hirshfield Independent Director 51 $290.6K - USD Male
Mr. Thomas Marusak Independent Director 72 $541.6K - USD Male