Company Executives

List of company's executives and members of the Board.

Name Title Age Compensation Sex Social Media
Mr. Edward Shoen Chairman of the Board, President 74 $1.012M - USD Male
Mr. Samuel Shoen Vice Chairman of the Board, U-Box Project Manager 45 $698.5K - USD Male
Mr. Jason Berg Chief Financial Officer 50 $675.7K - USD Male
Mr. Douglas Bell President of Repwest Insurance Company 64 - Male
Mr. Matthew Braccia President of Amerco Real Estate Company 62 - Male
Mr. Mark Haydukovich President of Oxford Life Insurance Company 66 $422.1K - USD Male
Mr. John Taylor President of U-Haul 65 $613.1K - USD Male
Ms. Maria Bell Chief Accounting Officer 53 - Female
Ms. Kristine Campbell General Counsel - Female
Mr. James Acridge Independent Director 83 $168.1K - USD Male
Mr. John Brogan Independent Director 79 $220.6K - USD Male
Mr. James Grogan Independent Director 69 $260.6K - USD Male
Mr. Richard Herrera Independent Director 70 $193.1K - USD Male
Mr. Karl Schmidt Independent Director 63 $143.1K - USD Male
Ms. Roberta Shank Independent Director 56 $230.6K - USD Female
Mr. Sebastien Reyes Director - I.R. - Male