Company Executives

List of company's executives and members of the Board.

Name Title Age Compensation Sex Social Media
Mr. Dylan Lissette Non-Executive Chairman of the Board 51 $5.870M - USD Male
Mr. Howard Friedman Chief Executive Officer, Director 53 $4.253M - USD Male
Mr. Ajay Kataria Chief Financial Officer, Executive Vice President 46 $2.651M - USD Male
Mr. Cary Devore Executive Vice President, Chief Operating and Transformation Officer 50 $6.133M - USD Male
Mr. James Sponaugle Chief People Officer, Executive Vice President 46 - Male
Ms. Theresa Shea Executive Vice President, General Counsel, Corporate Secretary 50 $1.876M - USD Female
Mr. Mark Schreiber Executive Vice President, Sales and Chief Customer Officer 59 $1.969M - USD Male
Mr. Mitchell Arends Executive Vice President, Chief Integrated Supply Chain Officer - Male
Ms. Jennifer Bentz Executive Vice President, Insights, Innovation, and Marketing Services - Female
Ms. Shannan Redcay Executive Vice President, Manufacturing 42 - Female
Mr. Chad Whyte Executive Vice President, Supply Chain 47 - Male
Mr. Eric Aumen Senior Vice President, Chief Accounting Officer 46 - Male
Mr. Roger Deromedi Lead Independent Director 69 $290.4K - USD Male
Mr. Timothy Brown Director 60 $200.0K - USD Male
Mr. Michael Rice Director 80 $150.0K - USD Male
Mr. John Altmeyer Independent Director 64 $210.0K - USD Male
Ms. Christina Choi Independent Director 45 $200.0K - USD Female
Mr. Antonio Fernandez Independent Director 63 $200.0K - USD Male
Mr. Jason Giordano Independent Director 44 $234.2K - USD Male
Mr. B.John Lindeman Independent Director 53 $200.0K - USD Male
Mr. Craig Steeneck Independent Director 65 $240.0K - USD Male
Ms. Pamela Stewart Independent Director 47 $222.9K - USD Female
Mr. Kevin Powers Investor Relations - Male