Company Executives

List of company's executives and members of the Board.

Name Title Age Compensation Sex Social Media
Ms. Karen Francis Independent Chairman of the Board 60 $479.4K - USD Female
Mr. Mark Morelli President, Chief Executive Officer, Director 59 $6.358M - USD Male
Mr. Anshooman Aga Chief Financial Officer, Senior Vice President 47 $2.861M - USD Male
Mr. Mike Dwyer President of Matco Tools - Male
Ms. Kathryn Rowen Senior Vice President, Chief Legal and Administrative Officer 44 $1.734M - USD Female
Mr. Martin Gafinowitz Director 64 $290.9K - USD Male
Ms. Gloria Boyland Independent Director 62 $305.3K - USD Female
Mr. Robert Eatroff Independent Director 57 $302.0K - USD Male
Mr. David Foulkes Independent Director 61 - Male
Mr. Christopher Klein Independent Director 59 $311.7K - USD Male
Mr. Andrew Miller Independent Director 62 $310.1K - USD Male
Ms. Maryrose Sylvester Independent Director 57 $297.6K - USD Female