Company Executives

List of company's executives and members of the Board.

Name Title Age Compensation Sex Social Media
Mr. Robert Pagano Chairman of the Board, President, Chief Executive Officer 60 $7.076M - USD Male
Mr. Shashank Patel Chief Financial Officer 62 $1.936M - USD Male
Mr. Elie Melhem President - Asia-Pacific, the Middle East & Africa 59 $1.923M - USD Male
Mr. Andre Dhawan Chief Operating Officer 59 $1.730M - USD Male
Ms. Monica Barry Chief Human Resource Officer 52 - Female
Ms. Diane Mcclintock SVP, FP&A and Investor Relations - Female
Mr. Kenneth Lepage Chief Sustainability Officer, General Counsel, Company Secretary 52 $1.757M - USD Male
Mr. W. Craig Kissel Lead Independent Director 72 $275.6K - USD Male
Ms. Rebecca Boll Director 52 - Female
Mr. Joseph Noonan Director 41 $221.8K - USD Male
Mr. Christopher Conway Independent Director 67 $236.8K - USD Male
Mr. Michael Dubose Independent Director 67 $221.8K - USD Male
Mr. David Dunbar Independent Director 62 $221.8K - USD Male
Ms. Louise Goeser Independent Director 70 $221.8K - USD Female
Ms. Merilee Raines Independent Director 67 $241.8K - USD Female
Mr. Joseph Reitmeier Independent Director 58 $221.8K - USD Male