Financial Snapshot

Gross Margin
Net Earnings
Current Assets
Q2 2024
Current Liabilities
Q2 2024
Current Ratio
Q2 2024
Total Assets
Q2 2024
Total Liabilities
Q2 2024
Book Value
Q2 2024
Q2 2024
Sep 17, 2024 EST
Free Cash Flow




Revenue YoY Change



Concept 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 1998 1997 1996 1995 1994 1993 1992
Revenue $31.04B $28.19B $22.83B $13.12B $12.67B $11.82B $10.09B $8.678B $7.864B $5.390B $4.006B $3.316B $2.699B $2.037B $1.729B $2.120B $2.585B $2.442B $2.118B $2.598B $2.463B $2.269B $1.766B $1.659B $1.243B $715.0M $320.0M $143.0M $114.0M $109.0M $92.00M $79.00M
YoY Change 10.13% 23.46% 73.97% 3.56% 7.2% 17.2% 16.23% 10.35% 45.9% 34.56% 20.8% 22.86% 32.5% 17.81% -18.44% -17.99% 5.86% 15.3% -18.48% 5.48% 8.55% 28.48% 6.45% 33.47% 73.85% 123.44% 123.78% 25.44% 4.59% 18.48% 16.46% 23.44%


Cost Of Revenues


Gross Profit


Gross Profit Margin


Gross Profit

Concept 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 1998 1997 1996 1995 1994 1993 1992
Revenue $31.04B $28.19B $22.83B $13.12B $12.67B $11.82B $10.09B $8.678B $7.864B $5.390B $4.006B $3.316B $2.699B $2.037B $1.729B $2.120B $2.585B $2.442B $2.118B $2.598B $2.463B $2.269B $1.766B $1.659B $1.243B $715.0M $320.0M $143.0M $114.0M $109.0M $92.00M $79.00M
Cost Of Revenue $25.86B $23.04B $18.57B $10.90B $10.72B $10.04B $8.570B $7.377B $6.689B $4.567B $3.375B $2.777B $2.242B $1.674B $1.402B $1.754B $2.149B $2.026B $1.745B $2.164B $2.069B $1.912B $1.477B $1.391B $1.043B $599.0M $265.0M $117.0M $94.00M $90.00M $74.00M $65.00M
Gross Profit $5.183B $5.152B $4.259B $2.226B $1.954B $1.777B $1.516B $1.301B $1.176B $823.3M $631.0M $539.0M $457.0M $363.0M $327.0M $366.0M $436.0M $416.0M $373.0M $434.0M $394.0M $357.0M $289.0M $268.0M $200.0M $116.0M $55.00M $26.00M $21.00M $19.00M $18.00M $14.00M
Gross Profit Margin 16.7% 18.28% 18.65% 16.96% 15.42% 15.03% 15.03% 15.0% 14.95% 15.27% 15.75% 16.25% 16.93% 17.82% 18.91% 17.26% 16.87% 17.04% 17.61% 16.71% 16.0% 15.73% 16.36% 16.15% 16.09% 16.22% 17.19% 18.18% 18.42% 17.43% 19.57% 17.72%

Selling, General & Admin Expense


Research & Development


Depreciation, Depletion & Amortization


SGA Expense to Gross Profit Ratio


R&D To Gross Profit Ratio


DDA To Gross Profit Ratio


Operating Expenses Total


Operating Profits/Loss


Operational Expenses

Concept 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 1998 1997 1996 1995 1994 1993 1992
Selling, General & Admin $3.305B $3.044B $2.462B $1.428B $1.374B $1.253B $1.049B $899.6M $811.2M $563.2M $427.4M $373.0M $328.0M $284.0M $266.0M $316.0M $341.0M $314.0M $270.0M $326.0M $308.0M $282.0M $226.0M $196.0M $146.0M $85.00M $41.00M $20.00M $16.00M $15.00M $15.00M $14.00M
YoY Change 8.57% 23.65% 72.37% 3.97% 9.61% 19.43% 16.65% 10.9% 44.03% 31.78% 14.58% 13.72% 15.49% 6.77% -15.82% -7.33% 8.6% 16.3% -17.18% 5.84% 9.22% 24.78% 15.31% 34.25% 71.76% 107.32% 105.0% 25.0% 6.67% 0.0% 7.14% 16.67%
% of Gross Profit 63.77% 59.08% 57.8% 64.18% 70.31% 70.53% 69.22% 69.13% 69.0% 68.41% 67.74% 69.2% 71.77% 78.24% 81.35% 86.34% 78.21% 75.48% 72.39% 75.12% 78.17% 78.99% 78.2% 73.13% 73.0% 73.28% 74.55% 76.92% 76.19% 78.95% 83.33% 100.0%
Research & Development
YoY Change
% of Gross Profit
Depreciation & Amortization $195.8M $172.7M $127.3M $92.40M $82.40M $75.40M $57.70M $49.30M $41.60M $26.36M $20.00M $17.10M $16.40M $17.00M $17.80M $316.4M $16.50M $13.40M $13.40M $12.50M $9.500M $7.200M $8.700M $7.600M $5.600M $3.500M $2.500M $1.800M $1.900M $2.000M $1.800M
YoY Change 13.38% 35.66% 37.77% 12.14% 9.28% 30.68% 17.04% 18.51% 57.8% 31.82% 16.96% 4.27% -3.53% -4.49% -94.37% 1817.58% 23.13% 0.0% 7.2% 31.58% 31.94% -17.24% 14.47% 35.71% 60.0% 40.0% 38.89% -5.26% -5.0% 11.11%
% of Gross Profit 3.78% 3.35% 2.99% 4.15% 4.22% 4.24% 3.81% 3.79% 3.54% 3.2% 3.17% 3.17% 3.59% 4.68% 5.44% 86.45% 3.78% 3.22% 3.59% 2.88% 2.41% 2.02% 3.01% 2.84% 2.8% 3.02% 4.55% 6.92% 9.05% 10.53% 10.0%
Operating Expenses $3.501B $3.044B $2.462B $1.428B $1.374B $1.253B $1.049B $899.6M $811.2M $563.2M $427.4M $390.0M $344.0M $301.0M $283.0M $332.0M $358.0M $328.0M $281.0M $338.0M $317.0M $289.0M $235.0M $203.0M $152.0M $89.00M $43.00M $22.00M $16.00M $15.00M $15.00M $15.00M
YoY Change 15.01% 23.65% 72.37% 3.97% 9.61% 19.43% 16.65% 10.9% 44.03% 31.78% 9.59% 13.37% 14.29% 6.36% -14.76% -7.26% 9.15% 16.73% -16.86% 6.62% 9.69% 22.98% 15.76% 33.55% 70.79% 106.98% 95.45% 37.5% 6.67% 0.0% 0.0% 25.0%
Operating Profit $1.682B $1.941B $1.668B $697.1M $495.0M $447.0M $409.0M $338.4M $302.7M $231.9M $183.5M $149.0M $113.0M $62.00M $44.00M $34.00M $78.00M $88.00M $92.00M $96.00M $77.00M $68.00M $54.00M $65.00M $48.00M $27.00M $12.00M $4.000M $5.000M $4.000M $3.000M -$1.000M
YoY Change -13.34% 16.38% 139.26% 40.83% 10.74% 9.29% 20.86% 11.78% 30.55% 26.36% 23.17% 31.86% 82.26% 40.91% 29.41% -56.41% -11.36% -4.35% -4.17% 24.68% 13.24% 25.93% -16.92% 35.42% 77.78% 125.0% 200.0% -20.0% 25.0% 33.33% -400.0% 0.0%

Interest Expenses


Interest Expenses To Operating Income %


Other Expense/Income


Interest & Other Expense/Income

Concept 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 1998 1997 1996 1995 1994 1993 1992
Interest Expense -$353.8M -$207.1M -$64.10M -$64.00M -$133.0M -$118.0M -$74.00M -$49.00M -$39.00M -$25.00M -$21.00M -$22.00M -$24.00M -$25.00M -$25.00M -$39.00M -$41.00M -$38.00M -$21.00M -$21.00M -$18.00M -$17.00M -$25.00M -$26.00M -$15.00M -$10.00M -$3.000M -$1.000M -$1.000M -$1.000M -$1.000M -$1.000M
YoY Change 70.84% 223.09% 0.16% -51.88% 12.71% 59.46% 51.02% 25.64% 56.0% 19.05% -4.55% -8.33% -4.0% 0.0% -35.9% -4.88% 7.89% 80.95% 0.0% 16.67% 5.88% -32.0% -3.85% 73.33% 50.0% 233.33% 200.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0%
% of Operating Profit -21.03% -10.67% -3.84% -9.18% -26.87% -26.4% -18.09% -14.48% -12.88% -10.78% -11.44% -14.77% -21.24% -40.32% -56.82% -114.71% -52.56% -43.18% -22.83% -21.88% -23.38% -25.0% -46.3% -40.0% -31.25% -37.04% -25.0% -25.0% -20.0% -25.0% -33.33%
Other Income/Expense, Net $23.70M -$43.20M -$52.60M $58.90M $13.80M $8.800M $12.20M -$6.100M -$1.006M $3.199M $2.993M $3.000M $1.000M $0.00 $1.000M $7.000M $1.000M $1.000M $1.000M $1.000M $1.000M $1.000M $1.000M $1.000M $0.00 $1.000M $1.000M $1.000M $1.000M $1.000M $1.000M $1.000M
YoY Change -154.86% -17.87% -189.3% 326.81% 56.82% -27.87% -300.0% 506.36% -131.45% 6.88% -0.23% 200.0% -100.0% -85.71% 600.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% -100.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% -50.0%


Pretax Income


Income Tax


Net Profits/Loss


Pretax Income YoY Change


Income Tax Rate


Net Profits/Loss YoY Change


Basic EPS


Net Income To Revenue Ratio


Pretax & Net Income

Concept 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 1998 1997 1996 1995 1994 1993 1992
Pretax Income $1.362B $1.730B $1.485B $648.5M $375.4M $337.5M $347.1M $283.5M $262.7M $210.5M $165.8M $128.0M $89.00M $22.00M $12.00M -$333.0M $37.00M $51.00M $71.00M $76.00M $60.00M $52.00M $30.00M $40.00M $32.00M $18.00M $9.000M $4.000M $4.000M $5.000M $2.000M $1.000M
YoY Change -21.25% 16.51% 128.96% 72.75% 11.23% -2.77% 22.43% 7.92% 24.8% 26.97% 29.52% 43.82% 304.55% 83.33% -103.6% -1000.0% -27.45% -28.17% -6.58% 26.67% 15.38% 73.33% -25.0% 25.0% 77.78% 100.0% 125.0% 0.0% -20.0% 150.0% 100.0%
Income Tax $350.6M $468.4M $422.1M $178.2M $103.9M $71.80M $101.9M $86.40M $79.71M $74.96M $60.57M $49.00M $33.00M $9.000M $5.000M -$108.0M $15.00M $20.00M $28.00M $29.00M $24.00M $20.00M $12.00M $15.00M $13.00M $7.000M $4.000M -$1.000M $0.00 $2.000M $1.000M $0.00
% Of Pretax Income 25.74% 27.08% 28.43% 27.48% 27.68% 21.27% 29.36% 30.48% 30.34% 35.61% 36.54% 38.28% 37.08% 40.91% 41.67% 40.54% 39.22% 39.44% 38.16% 40.0% 38.46% 40.0% 37.5% 40.63% 38.89% 44.44% -25.0% 0.0% 40.0% 50.0% 0.0%
Net Earnings $1.001B $1.251B $1.060B $470.3M $271.5M $265.7M $245.2M $197.1M $183.0M $138.7M $106.0M $80.00M $59.00M $14.00M $9.000M -$253.0M $22.00M $37.00M $54.00M $46.00M $36.00M $32.00M $19.00M $24.00M $19.00M $11.00M $6.000M $4.000M $3.000M $2.000M $1.000M $0.00
YoY Change -20.0% 18.01% 125.41% 73.22% 2.18% 8.36% 24.4% 7.71% 31.92% 30.87% 32.5% 35.59% 321.43% 55.56% -103.56% -1250.0% -40.54% -31.48% 17.39% 27.78% 12.5% 68.42% -20.83% 26.32% 72.73% 83.33% 50.0% 33.33% 50.0% 100.0%
Net Earnings / Revenue 3.22% 4.44% 4.64% 3.58% 2.14% 2.25% 2.43% 2.27% 2.33% 2.57% 2.65% 2.41% 2.19% 0.69% 0.52% -11.93% 0.85% 1.52% 2.55% 1.77% 1.46% 1.41% 1.08% 1.45% 1.53% 1.54% 1.88% 2.8% 2.63% 1.83% 1.09% 0.0%
Basic Earnings Per Share $36.36 $44.38 $36.81 $19.74 $11.70 $10.91 $9.78 $7.76 $6.96 $5.31 $4.11
Diluted Earnings Per Share $36.26 $44.17 $36.54 $19.53 $11.60 $10.86 $9.75 $7.72 $6.91 $5.26 $4.05 $2.667M $2.185M $538.5K $409.1K -$12.65M $1.000M $1.682M $2.455M $2.190M $1.895M $1.778M $1.357M $1.714M $1.583M $1.222M $857.1K $800.0K $600.0K $400.0K $200.0K $0.00

Assets & Liabilities

Cash & Short-Term Investments


Cash & Equivalents


Cash To Operating Expenses Ratio






Total Short-Term Assets


Property, Plant And Equipment


Long-Term Investments


Total Long-Term Assets


Total Assets


Net Income To Total Assets Percentage


Accounts Payable


Short-Term Debt


Long Term Debt Due


Total Short-Term Liabilities


Long-Term Debt


Other Long-Term Liabilities


Total Long-Term Liabilities


Total Liabilities


Short-Term To Long-Term Debt Ratio


Short-Term Assets To Debt Ratio


Long-Term Debt To Net Income Ratio


Assets & Liabilities

Concept 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 1998 1997 1996 1995 1994 1993 1992
Cash & Short-Term Investments $941.4M $246.7M $174.8M $160.2M $84.00M $31.60M $57.30M $50.30M $45.00M $29.90M $23.70M $42.80M $20.90M $9.300M $12.80M $10.90M $21.70M $26.60M $48.60M $28.90M $74.40M $15.90M $18.80M $38.80M $30.40M $20.90M $18.50M $15.40M $9.700M $7.000M
YoY Change 281.6% 41.13% 9.11% 90.71% 165.82% -44.85% 13.92% 11.78% 50.5% 26.16% -44.63% 104.78% 124.73% -27.34% 17.43% -49.77% -18.42% -45.27% 68.17% -61.16% 367.92% -15.43% -51.55% 27.63% 45.45% 12.97% 20.13% 58.76% 38.57%
Cash & Equivalents $941.4M $246.7M $174.8M $160.2M $84.00M $31.60M $57.30M $50.30M $45.00M $29.90M $23.70M $42.80M $20.90M $9.300M $12.80M $10.90M $21.70M $26.60M $48.60M $28.90M $74.40M $15.90M $18.80M $38.80M $30.40M $20.90M $18.50M $15.40M $9.700M $7.000M
Short-Term Investments
Other Short-Term Assets $136.8M $128.1M $63.00M $70.50M $47.80M $48.00M $48.30M $44.20M $30.20M $35.00M $28.30M $99.50M $69.30M $9.000M $24.50M $193.3M $45.70M $31.20M $43.20M $12.50M $30.10M $11.60M $10.60M $9.300M $7.500M $5.500M $3.500M $2.600M $1.000M $3.500M
YoY Change 6.79% 103.33% -10.64% 47.49% -0.42% -0.62% 9.28% 46.36% -13.71% 23.67% -71.56% 43.58% 670.0% -63.27% -87.33% 322.98% 46.47% -27.78% 245.6% -58.47% 159.48% 9.43% 13.98% 24.0% 36.36% 57.14% 34.62% 160.0% -71.43%
Inventory $4.754B $3.409B $2.386B $2.493B $2.434B $2.365B $2.133B $1.773B $1.471B $1.250B $859.0M $723.3M $506.5M $415.2M $328.7M $422.8M $601.8M $603.3M $606.0M $535.3M $445.3M $445.9M $275.4M $314.3M $268.3M $157.5M $89.80M $33.40M $17.70M $19.10M
Prepaid Expenses
Receivables $1.123B $813.1M $910.0M $614.0M $505.0M $529.4M $521.9M $417.7M $308.5M $295.4M $170.5M $67.60M $51.50M $75.00M $52.10M $69.60M $109.4M $118.5M $106.4M $85.00M $87.10M $82.20M $74.20M $32.30M $25.70M $17.30M $7.700M $2.300M $1.700M $1.300M
Other Receivables $0.00 $33.60M $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $17.10M $22.50M $2.400M $23.80M $5.600M $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $100.0K $1.400M $1.900M $2.800M $3.100M $400.0K $700.0K $300.0K $200.0K
Total Short-Term Assets $6.955B $4.631B $3.533B $3.338B $3.071B $2.991B $2.783B $2.287B $1.879B $1.616B $1.082B $933.2M $648.2M $508.5M $418.1M $696.6M $778.5M $779.6M $804.2M $661.7M $636.9M $555.8M $380.4M $396.5M $334.6M $204.2M $119.9M $54.30M $30.40M $31.10M
YoY Change 50.19% 31.06% 5.86% 8.7% 2.64% 7.5% 21.67% 21.76% 16.28% 49.38% 15.89% 43.97% 27.47% 21.62% -39.98% -10.52% -0.14% -3.06% 21.54% 3.89% 14.59% 46.11% -4.06% 18.5% 63.86% 70.31% 120.81% 78.62% -2.25%
Property, Plant & Equipment $3.981B $3.957B $3.449B $2.462B $1.864B $1.448B $1.185B $1.006B $876.7M $816.7M $481.2M $425.1M $373.8M $362.4M $386.1M $346.3M $461.7M $417.1M $333.2M $299.6M $227.3M $176.9M $122.0M $90.20M $52.40M $32.90M $16.30M $4.600M $3.200M $3.100M
YoY Change 0.63% 14.73% 40.1% 32.08% 28.7% 22.17% 17.8% 14.76% 7.35% 69.72% 13.2% 13.72% 3.15% -6.14% 11.49% -24.99% 10.69% 25.18% 11.21% 31.81% 28.49% 45.0% 35.25% 72.14% 59.27% 101.84% 254.35% 43.75% 3.23%
YoY Change
YoY Change
Long-Term Investments $1.200M $0.00 $0.00 $400.0K
YoY Change -100.0%
Other Assets $1.121B $914.7M $1.786B $1.059B $333.4M $221.0M $271.8M $107.2M $99.10M $97.20M $41.70M $39.90M $46.10M $49.30M $48.50M $48.60M $6.000M $6.100M $4.100M $5.200M $2.600M $2.300M $3.500M $5.900M $4.600M $7.100M $6.000M $5.600M $5.500M $1.900M
YoY Change 22.53% -48.79% 68.69% 217.58% 50.86% -18.69% 153.54% 8.17% 1.95% 133.09% 4.51% -13.45% -6.49% 1.65% -0.21% 710.0% -1.64% 48.78% -21.15% 100.0% 13.04% -34.29% -40.68% 28.26% -35.21% 18.33% 7.14% 1.82% 189.47%
Total Long-Term Assets $12.68B $10.38B $7.614B $4.565B $3.013B $2.393B $1.900B $1.557B $1.347B $1.265B $643.6M $559.5M $497.9M $463.2M $477.0M $436.9M $848.2M $799.8M $648.5M $594.0M $465.9M $386.2M $282.5M $231.5M $171.8M $90.20M $46.60M $14.70M $9.200M $5.600M
YoY Change 22.18% 36.28% 66.8% 51.47% 25.95% 25.91% 22.05% 15.62% 6.42% 96.61% 15.03% 12.37% 7.49% -2.89% 9.18% -48.49% 6.05% 23.33% 9.18% 27.5% 20.64% 36.71% 22.03% 34.75% 90.47% 93.56% 217.01% 59.78% 64.29%
Total Assets $19.63B $15.01B $11.15B $7.902B $6.084B $5.384B $4.683B $3.844B $3.225B $2.881B $1.725B $1.493B $1.146B $971.7M $895.1M $1.134B $1.627B $1.579B $1.453B $1.256B $1.103B $942.0M $662.9M $628.0M $506.4M $294.4M $166.5M $69.00M $39.60M $36.70M
YoY Change
Accounts Payable $288.0M $258.4M $235.4M $158.2M $125.3M $126.3M $111.4M $88.40M $70.90M $70.90M $51.20M $41.60M $31.70M $23.70M $18.80M $21.60M $32.10M $39.80M $30.90M $26.80M $24.40M $19.40M $16.90M $13.70M $20.90M $6.300M $3.900M $4.400M $1.800M $800.0K
YoY Change 11.46% 9.77% 48.8% 26.26% -0.79% 13.38% 26.02% 24.68% 0.0% 38.48% 23.08% 31.23% 33.76% 26.06% -12.96% -32.71% -19.35% 28.8% 15.3% 9.84% 25.77% 14.79% 23.36% -34.45% 231.75% 61.54% -11.36% 144.44% 125.0%
Accrued Expenses $870.2M $782.7M $710.6M $425.3M $326.8M $283.6M $251.7M $211.1M $167.1M $152.5M $92.90M $79.80M $69.20M $58.80M $47.50M $51.00M $63.60M $62.30M $57.20M $51.60M $46.20M $40.90M $36.50M $22.10M $23.20M $12.00M $6.800M $2.500M $1.300M $1.000M
YoY Change 11.18% 10.15% 67.08% 30.14% 15.23% 12.67% 19.23% 26.33% 9.57% 64.16% 16.42% 15.32% 17.69% 23.79% -6.86% -19.81% 2.09% 8.92% 10.85% 11.69% 12.96% 12.05% 65.16% -4.74% 93.33% 76.47% 172.0% 92.31% 30.0%
Deferred Revenue
YoY Change
Short-Term Debt $3.636B $2.117B $1.190B $1.797B $2.068B $2.058B $1.919B $1.602B $1.314B $1.179B $713.9M $581.6M $343.9M $251.3M $210.5M $337.7M $451.6M $499.7M $530.5M $450.9M $379.0M $364.6M $211.9M $255.1M $208.4M $124.7M $82.60M $20.10M $20.20M $21.60M
YoY Change 71.76% 77.85% -33.78% -13.08% 0.48% 7.23% 19.83% 21.88% 11.48% 65.11% 22.75% 69.12% 36.85% 19.38% -37.67% -25.22% -9.63% -5.81% 17.65% 18.97% 3.95% 72.06% -16.93% 22.41% 67.12% 50.97% 310.95% -0.5% -6.48%
Long-Term Debt Due $109.6M $20.50M $223.7M $66.00M $39.30M $25.90M $18.90M $21.00M $38.50M $31.90M $7.100M $8.200M $8.200M $12.10M $38.30M $78.60M $13.30M $16.60M $6.900M $6.600M $14.30M $4.500M $10.20M $5.300M $7.100M $7.600M $2.800M $1.900M $2.100M $1.600M
YoY Change 434.63% -90.84% 238.94% 67.94% 51.74% 37.04% -10.0% -45.45% 20.69% 349.3% -13.41% 0.0% -32.23% -68.41% -51.27% 490.98% -19.88% 140.58% 4.55% -53.85% 217.78% -55.88% 92.45% -25.35% -6.58% 171.43% 47.37% -9.52% 31.25%
Total Short-Term Liabilities $4.932B $3.178B $2.403B $2.480B $2.569B $2.494B $2.301B $1.922B $1.590B $1.443B $872.5M $721.3M $456.6M $345.9M $321.2M $597.0M $585.1M $629.9M $647.8M $537.4M $476.9M $429.5M $275.6M $297.6M $259.6M $150.6M $96.00M $28.90M $25.40M $25.00M
YoY Change 55.19% 32.27% -3.1% -3.48% 3.03% 8.37% 19.72% 20.85% 10.25% 65.34% 20.96% 57.97% 32.0% 7.69% -46.2% 2.03% -7.11% -2.76% 20.54% 12.69% 11.04% 55.84% -7.39% 14.64% 72.38% 56.88% 232.18% 13.78% 1.6%
Long-Term Debt $7.155B $5.511B $3.186B $2.065B $1.431B $1.358B $1.029B $769.9M $604.7M $609.1M $245.5M $286.9M $278.7M $268.7M $233.1M $265.2M $455.5M $392.4M $290.6M $267.3M $234.7M $167.7M $164.8M $131.6M $73.90M $41.40M $26.60M $6.200M $10.80M $6.700M
YoY Change 29.85% 72.98% 54.29% 44.32% 5.33% 32.06% 33.59% 27.32% -0.72% 148.11% -14.43% 2.94% 3.72% 15.27% -12.1% -41.78% 16.08% 35.03% 8.72% 13.89% 39.95% 1.76% 25.23% 78.08% 78.5% 55.64% 329.03% -42.59% 61.19%
Other Long-Term Liabilities $1.262B $780.5M $704.2M $549.9M $485.4M $243.9M $214.1M $182.4M $148.7M $113.4M $72.40M $56.40M $43.80M $36.90M $33.80M $22.90M $14.60M $13.50M $10.40M $10.60M $8.100M $11.20M $9.700M $8.900M $7.700M $3.700M $3.000M $3.300M $2.500M $1.500M
YoY Change 61.69% 10.83% 28.06% 13.29% 99.02% 13.92% 17.38% 22.66% 31.13% 56.63% 28.37% 28.77% 18.7% 9.17% 47.6% 56.85% 8.15% 29.81% -1.89% 30.86% -27.68% 15.46% 8.99% 15.58% 108.11% 23.33% -9.09% 32.0% 66.67%
Total Long-Term Liabilities $8.417B $6.291B $3.890B $2.615B $1.916B $1.602B $1.243B $952.3M $753.4M $722.5M $317.9M $343.3M $322.5M $305.6M $266.9M $288.1M $470.1M $405.9M $301.0M $277.9M $242.8M $178.9M $174.5M $140.5M $81.60M $45.10M $29.60M $9.500M $13.30M $8.200M
YoY Change 33.8% 61.73% 48.78% 36.46% 19.59% 28.93% 30.48% 26.4% 4.28% 127.27% -7.4% 6.45% 5.53% 14.5% -7.36% -38.72% 15.82% 34.85% 8.31% 14.46% 35.72% 2.52% 24.2% 72.18% 80.93% 52.36% 211.58% -28.57% 62.2%
Total Liabilities $13.35B $9.800B $6.521B $5.241B $4.616B $4.187B $3.600B $2.933B $2.397B $2.208B $1.190B $1.065B $779.0M $651.5M $588.1M $885.1M $1.119B $1.086B $992.5M $850.5M $743.9M $622.1M $459.4M $446.2M $350.8M $202.9M $128.6M $41.10M $38.70M $33.90M
YoY Change 36.21% 50.3% 24.42% 13.53% 10.26% 16.31% 22.72% 22.38% 8.57% 85.47% 11.82% 36.66% 19.57% 10.78% -33.56% -20.87% 2.99% 9.42% 16.7% 14.33% 19.58% 35.42% 2.96% 27.19% 72.89% 57.78% 212.9% 6.2% 14.16%


Basic Shares Outstanding


Diluted Shares Outstanding


Preferred Stock


Treasury Stock Shares


Stock Issuance & Repurchase


Ownership Data

Concept 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 1998 1997 1996 1995 1994 1993 1992
Basic Shares Outstanding 27.50M shares 28.20M shares 28.80M shares 23.80M shares 23.20M shares 24.40M shares 25.10M shares 25.40M shares 26.29M shares 26.12M 25.81M
Diluted Shares Outstanding 27.60M shares 28.30M shares 29.00M shares 24.10M shares 23.40M shares 24.50M shares 25.10M shares 25.50M shares 26.49M shares 26.38M 26.19M
Preferred Stock
Treasury Stock Shares

Return On Shareholders' Equity


Book Value


Free Cash Flow


Free Cash Flow YoY





Stock Price

Market Cap: $7.5824 Billion

About Lithia Motors Inc

Lithia Motors, Inc. engages in the operation of automotive franchises and retail of new and used vehicles. The company is headquartered in Medford, Oregon and currently employs 27,446 full-time employees. The firm is engaged in providing an array of products and services throughout the vehicle ownership lifecycle. The firm offers convenient experiences through its comprehensive network of physical locations, e-commerce platforms, captive finance solutions and other synergistic adjacencies. The firm operates through two segments: Vehicle Operations and Financing Operations. Its Vehicle Operations consist of all aspects of its auto merchandising and service operations, including its retail automotive, recreational vehicles, and motorcycle franchises that sell new vehicles, used vehicles, parts, repair and maintenance services, and vehicle finance and insurance products. Its Financing Operations segment provides financing to customers buying and leasing retail vehicles from its Vehicle Operations. The firm operates approximately 482 locations representing 51 brands across the United States, United Kingdom, and Canada.

Industry: Retail-Auto Dealers & Gasoline Stations Peers: ADVANCE AUTO PARTS INC Petro USA Inc Asbury Automotive Group Inc AutoNation Inc Autozone Inc Carmax Inc Carvana Co Murphy USA Inc Penske Automotive Group Inc O'Reilly Automotive Inc